Wednesday 8 May 2013

Sex for Chocolate? (So Sweet)

  Considered the sweetest, can Chocolate replace a sexual appetite? Whether sex be a hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly craving, does filling the mouth with a Mars bar or Cadburys flake remove its pangs? Scientists, who experiment everywhere, but probably never in the bedroom, have produced some interesting facts.
Chocolate-contains Phenyl-ethylamine, (quite a mouthful), and this chemical is released into the brain whenever things become frisky or romantic. To avoid a chemistry lesson, I will simply say that its snowball effect can lead to a most satisfying orgasm. However, before these sexual highs can flood a person’s body, they need a catalyst to shoot them out. Chocolate, is that very catalyst. Experts say that Chocolate Fingers opening Chocolate Buttons before helping themselves to Double Deckers is foreplay at its most erotic.

All of this brings me back to the original question: Is Chocolate capable of feeding a sexual appetite? There is a reason I ask, returning home one evening last week, I discovered my girlfriend curled up on the rug dressed only in underwear.

“You won’t believe how Black Magic can satisfy me,” she moaned.

She was acting extremely strange, and when I opened the wardrobe I discovered her secret. Whips, Cadburys Walnut Whips to be precise, but not only that, a Turkish Delight was laying across her Fudge. Being open minded, I felt there must be something in what these Scientists are saying, yet there is a ‘but’ coming. A substitute is meant to replace something of a similar ilk. Now, I can state quite honestly, we have NEVER had that amount of sex.

No longer too tired, her mouth devours her new love all night long. And talk about double penetration! With a Flake in one side and a Curly Wurly in the other, I had no idea she could use her mouth with such passion. So, just as a Scientist would, I will finish with a conclusion.
 If you suspect your partner is having an affair, pray it's not with Chocolate. Whereas a fling with a human may only be brief, I conclude that Chocolate is to love, honour and obey.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Unsociable People. (Public Transport)

I have just arrived back home from Crown Court. They liked me so much they they have asked me to return to receive a sentence. It must be one of those writer things.

Anyway, the reason I was invited to Crown Court was down to an extremely unsociable young lady. Heading into town on the bus, I  had found myself standing and holding onto a support bar, directly next to where the said young lady was seated. Now, I had no qualms about standing, sometimes, there is no alternative. However, on this particular journey, whenever the bus turned, which was quite often, motion took me forward. This outcome resulted in my crotch, accidentally, pushing into her face.

After it occurred six or seven times, there was a misunderstanding, which resulted in her pressing the bell and demanding the driver call the police. Due to her unsociable attitude, she claimed I had sexually harassed her. The police duly arrived, and to my astonishment, they took her side, arrested me and suggested I call a lawyer. I contacted a law firm who specialize in such incidents. After I provided a detailed description of the misunderstanding, my defence counsel had every sympathy. In fact, his very words were. "You would have gotten away with it if there had not been fifteen empty seats."

Sunday 7 April 2013

Organ Donors: The Priceless Crew.

Most people pass by hospitals without giving them a second thought; unless of course, your life is currently connected to one. Nowadays, large town and city hospitals are huge communities, almost towns in their own right. Very few will go through life without becoming a part of such a community. This is a little peek inside.

What would we do without You?

Inside a hospital theatre a doctor is furiously pumping a patient’s heart as the matron anxiously looks on. Eventually the doctor stops and shakes his head.

“I’m afraid that’s it; we can’t do anymore. “

Matron appears to be shocked and surprised. “But doctor, don’t you think you should try the resuscitation a while longer, and give him an I.C.I. injection?”

The doctor seems very reluctant. “Yes I agree, but it’s the nurse’s staff party tonight and I have so been looking forward to it.

Matron is totally aghast.”The nurses can manage very well without you, but this patient can’t and needs you.”

The doctor sighs. “You don't understand; it's the only night of the year that I can see nurses out of their uniforms. They will be dressed as civilians, wearing ordinary clothes; do you know what that does to a red blooded medic?”

Matron’s face is about to explode when a nurse rushes in.

“I have the patients papers here doctor.”

While reading them his expression becomes one of total horror. “Oh my God! Quickly matron, prepare the I.C.I. injection, nurse don’t you dare go anywhere, you are needed here.”

Matron is happily amazed by his sudden change of attitude. “I’m so glad you have finally come to your senses doctor.”

Doctor resumes pumping; he appears determined to start the patient’s heart, not looking up when he says. “I have just read his notes; he’s an Organ donor. If he dies I can kiss the party goodbye; I will be here all night carefully removing them.”

Matron is once again left speechless; then much to their relief, the patient begins to cough and splutter.

Suddenly a voice bellows; “Cue the slogan.”

The camera zooms in on a slogan. “ORGAN DONORS-WE ARE fucked WITHOUT YOU.”

                                Big Ben.          He will go to any length to please you.                                There is always tha...